Outthink. Outsync. Outdo. Outlast: Plectica mapping tools help individuals and teams iterate real-world problems

Visual maps powered by Plectica can be implemented in the real world for adaptive solutions and organizations.

You need to build knowledge in order to possess it. That means you need to take information and structure it yourself, organize it yourself, make meaning out of it. We should recognize that 1) information is data 2) thinking is the process of structuring information to make it useful, and 3) knowledge (also known as a mental model) is built when you structure information to give it meaning. In other words,

Information + Thinking = Knowledge (or Mental Model)

Knowledge is not the same as information. Knowledge is information transformed into meaning through thinking. We live in a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). And while the real world is VUCA, we tend to think about the world in linear, anthropocentric, mechanistic, ordered (LAMO) ways.

Most problems we face in the world result from the misalignment between how we think the world works and how it actually works. The real world works in systems—complex networks of many interacting variables. Better thinking means building mental models that better align how we think with how the real world works. These mental models are representations, approximations, guesses, hypotheses, biases, or predictions about the real world.

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